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Welcome to the Quest Academy PSA!

Welcome to the 2023-24 Quest Academy Parent Student Association!  The Parent School Association (PSA) is managed by an elected Board to support parent and family social events throughout the school year.

President – Lauren Chilvers
Vice President – Anne Sebastian
Secretary – Elizabeth Fischer
Treasurer – Brooke O’Neill

All parents in the Quest Academy community are members of the PSA, and are encouraged to attend all events and assist with as many as possible. These events help to build the close school family relationships, which have been described as a core component of Quest’s foundation!

Along with the various events, PSA Board members also coordinate parent volunteers to become Room Parents. Room parents assist our teachers with class parties, the annual Quest Auction class project and field trips throughout the year.

The PSA Board also manages no-cost fundraising activities which help to offset the cost of these PSA sponsored activities. We encourage all families to participate, and we appreciate your support!  To volunteer for this year’s activities, visit Quest Connect and complete our Volunteer Survey.

Please email questions or comments to PSA@questacademy.org