The Recycling Drive is being Recycled!
Help Quest 8th Graders Clean up our World by recycling plastic during the month of April.
For a limited time at Quest (4/10-4/27) , the 8th grade will be collecting plastic bags to contribute to TREX, a landscaping organization that converts plastic bags into beautiful patios and furniture all over the country.
Did you know that plastic bags can take 15-20 years to decompose in landfills?
Our 8th Graders are collecting:
- Grocery bags
- Wrappers
- Covers
- Trash bags (empty)
- Amazon bags
- Dry cleaning bags
- Bread bags
- Newspaper sleeves
- Bubble wrap
- Paper towel covers
- Water bottle case wraps
Collection Boxes will be in the Front Lobby from Monday (4/10) through Thursday (4/27)