Storytelling Night is One Week Away!
Are you ready to be transported by words and your imagination? Are you ready to dance and move and experience stories for yourself?
You are invited to Quest’s 14th Annual Storytelling Night. It will be a magical night of stories told through spoken word, music and dance. Stories are a primary method of transferring cultural knowledge from one generation to the next. The profession of storyteller is an old one with many names: minstrel, troubadour, jongleur, trouvère, minnesinger, scald, scop, skaziteli, seanachie, pinkerrd, and griot, to name a few.
But wait, there’s more . . . families who attend won’t just watch a “performance” but they will take part in the story telling as well. After one of our amazing Quest faculty has shared a story from somewhere around the world, Mrs. Burger will lead us in learning a folk dance from that same country. We will all learn together and we will all tell the stories together. This wonderful event is open to the entire family and is a wonderful opportunity to get to know our Quest community.
Who: Everyone is invited
Where & When: Sept 23rd, 6:30-8:30pm in the Quest Gym
- Seating will be provided (No blankets or chairs needed)
- Bring a water bottle to keep hydrated
- No food please, because no one wants an injured dancer