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Spring 2022 Parent/Teacher Conferences

Spring Parent/Teacher conferences will be held after school on Thursday, March 17 and during the day on Friday, March 18. Dismissal will be at 2:45 pm on Thursday to give teachers time to prepare for their scheduled conferences. There is no school on Friday.

Please note that since our special subject and middle school teachers see so many students, their conferences will be held in 5 minute intervals so as to allow them to meet with as many parents as possible. Lower school homeroom teachers have 20 minute meeting slots so that they can have enough time to conduct multi-subject conferences regarding each of their students.

This spring we are introducing a new, intuitive, and user-friendly online parent teacher scheduler called Meet the Teacher. This allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers – based on your availability – and receive an email confirming your appointments. We are confident this will be an improvement to the previous system and welcome any feedback.

The scheduler will be open to parents from 8:00 am on Wednesday, March 9th through noon on Wednesday, March 16th. Should you wish to make any changes after this date please contact Donna Wozniczka at donna.wozniczka@questacademy.org.

You may login using your student’s name and date of birth. However, if you have any problems with the login please contact the front office at frontoffice@questacademy.org so that we may confirm that we have the correct information in our system.