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International Festival was a BIG success!

International Festival was a beautiful celebration of Quest’s diversity.  Quest families set-up tables for the Quest community to learn about different countries.  Table activities included a Denmark black licorice tasting, learning how to draw Japanese and Chinese characters, experiencing items from Pakistan, playing chess at the Indian table.  Food from Denmark, Bulgaria, the Philippines, Ecuador, Mexico, Brazil, India and China.  Everyone walked away with new knowledge from experiential learning.
The stage show was an opportunity for Quest students to showcase their talents from traditions all around the world.  Performances included: Japanese taiko drumming with Paige Timpe, Bulgarian dance troupe with Elizabeth Markese, the Indian drum tabla with Shaarav Bhatt, Indian classical/Bollywood dance with Maanya Haldwania, a Bollywood dance lesson with Parul Cheriyan and a Mexican dance with Ahtziri Diaz.  The whole audience got involved with the dances for Bulgaria, India and Mexico.  It was a joyous occasion to see the Quest community trading their knowledge and traditions.  Parent Student Association organized the event, and the tradition is slated to run every other year.
Joshua when he was at Quest Academy