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Immersion Day Recap 2021

Immersion Day – Immersion Day pairs our lower school grades with our middle school students to execute specific projects related to an area of service. Our student Service Learning Leaders planned the day and we accomplished so much!

Preschool & Jr. Kindergarten:  The classes walked to Second City Animal Rescue to learn about their mission to rescue homeless animals.

Kindergarten & Health Group: Learned about the Food Pyramid with middle school buddies. Went shopping at My Museum.

First Grade & EPA Group: First graders learned about the EPA Group (Earth, Plants, & Animals). They talked about the environment and created a gratitude tree.

Second Grade & Hunger & Homeless Group: Collected food from our neighbors in Palatine and Quest families. Food will be donated to the Palatine Food Pantry. Thank you for your donations.

Third Grade & Literacy Group: Students collected over 1,500 books! Thank you for your donations. Students sorted and counted books. These books will be donated to Bernie’s Book Bank and SCARCE Resource & Recycling Center.

Fourth Grade & Care Group: The fourth graders made blankets and cat toys for a local pet shelter, placemats for Meals on Wheels and thank you cards for the local businesses for serving us through this difficult time of Covid.

Fifth Grade & Earth Group: Collected Halloween pumpkins and built catapults to “smash” the pumpkins to prepare them for composting. The group will establish composting on the West Campus.