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Hot or Cold Lunches are now available

Lunch is Served!

Early reviews are “Two Thumbs Up”.

We now offer Hot or Cold lunches, individually packed and delivered each day at Quest Academy through School Eatery.  Children of all ages are happy so far.

If you’re looking for a convenient solution to lunch planning, you can order lunch as late at 5:00pm the day before.  Order by the day, week or month if you wish.

School lunch program at Quest for 2022

  • Lunches can be ordered as late as 5:00pm on the day prior but we encourage you to order for the entire month, once it is posted.
  • Set up your account at the School Lunch Page on Quest Connect or by going directly to the School Eatery Web Page

Detailed Instructions

  1. After, clicking the link above, choose ‘PARENT CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP.’ You will receive an email to activate your account and will need a school code to add your child/children. When adding your child please select the classroom to complete the process.
  2. Your school code for the new software is (QUES) (all caps).
  3. A mobile application is available for  Apple iPhone. (Please search hotlunch and enter schooleatery (all lowercase and no spaces)). The app is not available on android devices.
  4. Once logged in, if you have questions or need assistance, click on the Software Support option on the bottom left of your navigation panel or contact School Eatery by clicking the “Chat with us” link.