Halloween Parties this Friday
Students are invited to participate in the school-day Halloween festivities this Friday. Afternoon classroom parties are being planned with the room parents and will end with an all-school costume parade at approximately 2:45. The parade route will include an outdoor path (weather permitting) and parents are invited to line the parade route outside near the front entrance and to view the creativity of our students. Please remember that we do not allow costume masks or costume weapons, blood, or overly gruesome costumes. Covid masks will be required as usual. We appreciate your cooperation to avoid any confusion for your student on the day of the event.
Dismissal will occur through the car line and West Campus (7/8) as usual. We will not release students to waiting parents in the parking lot for safety; the dismissal team will direct you to the car line. Please enter the car line off of Benton Street and onto Comfort Lane.
Contact your teacher/advisor with questions.