
Quest Academy is pleased to announce that Dr. Vicki Phelps, a faculty member of Milligan University and a nationally-acclaimed expert in the field of gifted education, will join the Quest Academy Board of Trustees in May, 2022. With over 20 years of experience in gifted education, Dr. Phelps is passionate about equitable practice and keenly focused on meeting the unique learning needs of gifted and high potential students. Dr. Phelps regularly presents at state, national, and international gifted conferences and enjoys leading professional learning focused on differentiation, student agency and collaborative practices in gifted education for school districts and special groups.

Her books include:

  •  NAGC’s 2021 Book of the Year, Collaboration, Co Teaching, and Coaching in Gifted Education (with Emily Mofield),
  • Successful Online Learning with Gifted Students
  • Strength-Based Goal Setting in Gifted Education (with Karah Lewis, in press), and
  • Coaching in Gifted Education (with Emily. Mofield; in press)

Dr. Phelps is a nationally recognized authority on the unique learning needs of gifted and high potential students, reinforces Quest Academy’s commitment to its core mission of inspiring gifted children and being a leader in gifted education. We look forward to formally welcoming Dr. Phelps to the Quest Academy Board of Directors at our May, 2022 meeting.


Jill Dreyer
“Having dedicated my career to advancing the field of gifted education, it is personally and professionally very exciting to help a high performing teaching institution improve its processes and outcomes even further. Gifted children deserve no less than the best education possible.” –Dr. Vicki Phelps