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A Knight Under the Stars – Night of All Knights Auction & Gala

Tickets for the Night of All Knights Live Auction Event, A Night Under the Stars, are now available. Click here to get yours before they are sold out. Complimentary childcare is available at Quest that evening thanks to our wonderful AfterCare Team. Sign up when you purchase your tickets by selecting the “Free Childcare at Quest” ticket. Please use one ticket for each child.

NEW FAMILIES – we are delighted to offer you one free ticket to the Live Auction event. Just select the New Family ticket from the list of choices. Limit one (1) per family. We can’t wait to see you there!

We are in need of donations to fill baskets for the Silent Auction! If you are able to help, please check out our Amazon Wish List. Maybe you have your own ideas for what would be a great basket. We welcome ALL donations — just please get them to us quickly as the BIG EVENT is almost here!

Our third Auction Newsletter is on its way to you. Please take a few moments to read it as we have shared lots of great information regarding the Auction & Gala. We welcome all questions so please reach out to Karen (847-602-3487) with any questions! And if you have any spare time over the next two weeks, feel free to pop into the Auction Office. There are sure to be things you can help us with! Thank you.

Tickets are still available for the Quest Night with the Chicago Wolves event this Saturday, 7pm, at Allstate Arena. We would love to see you there!