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Calling for Volunteers . . .

Hopefully, you and your children have had a great first week at Quest Academy.  Hopefully you also see how much your teachers care about your children and how much effort they put forth.

May we ask a favor?  Throughout the year, we need help to run various events that make Quest well . . . Quest.

Can we count on you to help?  Even for a single event?

You will meet other parents and make marvelous friends.  You will be helping to make a great environment for the children.  You will probably feel better about yourself.  What do you say?

If you are interested in volunteering to help with events and activities at school this year, Complete the Parent Volunteer Opportunities form. There are opportunities for everyone – from volunteering at the Book Fair, to being a Room Parent, to helping in the library, MyMuseum, or with the annual Night of All Knights Auction & Gala. Remember, no amount of time is insignificant. If you have even five minutes to give back to Quest Academy, we would love to have you!