
2022 Summer Quiz Bowl Camp

Quiz bowl, also referred to as “academic bowl” or “scholastic bowl”, is an academic team competition that is played throughout the world.

Quest Academy will be offering a summer quiz bowl camp, coordinated by alumni who currently compete in quiz bowl at the high school level.

When: June 27th-July 1st, 2022. The camp will run from 1:30-3:30 pm Monday-Friday.

Where: Quest Academy (500 N. Benton St, Palatine, IL 60067)

Cost: None This camp is being offerd at no cost to registered attendees. Camp coordinators will provide the quiz materials and buzzer systems.

Who: This camp is open to students who will be entering 5th-9th grade in fall 2022.

Students do not need to have a background in quiz bowl but should be eager to learn and compete.

More specific information regarding where and when to drop off and pick up students will be provided upon completion of the registration form.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I bring?

  • A refillable water bottle (not required, but highly recommended)
  • A pencil or pen
  • A notebook or loose-leaf paper
  • A positive attitude

Will there will be adult supervision at this camp?
Yes, in addition to camp instructors (high school quiz bowl players), an adult from Quest Academy will supervise camp activities each day.

Does a camp attendee need to attend all five days of the camp?
No, if an attendee has other commitments at some point(s) during the week, there will be no repercussions; however, we believe that a player who wants to be successful at quiz bowl should be fully invested in the camp experience and attend all five days of the camp.

Does a camp attendee need to have experience playing quiz bowl?
No. This camp aims to provide a solid foundation for attendees’ future success in quiz bowl. For those that already have experience, the camp will provide opportunities for growth in knowledge and skill.

Joshua when he was at Quest Academy

For more information, contact:

Amanda Davey
Quest Academy Director Of Academics & Student Affairs
[email protected]

Brady Seaburg
Quest Alumnus ‘20
[email protected]