
Class of 2022 Graduation Information Request

*This letter is courtesy of Donna Wozniczka

Hello and Happy New Year 2022!

We have great hopes for all of our students this year but most especially for our graduates of the Class of 2022. I know it must seem like graduation day is far away, but all the best things happen before you know it. Quest Academy strives to make graduation an event that our students and families remember fondly for many years to come. As you can imagine, with a lofty goal like that, there comes much preparation. 

Many of the students have already taken their placement tests for their high school of choice and are working towards their acceptance and proper class placements. I would like to extend my expertise as Quest Academy’s High School Transition Coordinator to help in any way possible through what can be a very stressful process. Please contact me if you need assistance with teacher recommendations, transcripts, standardized test scores, or any other requirements for this next leg of your child’s educational journey. I have heard from so many of you already and hope that you are well on your way.

Following please find a link to a form I would ask you to complete as soon as possible. In an effort to stay ahead of any possible hiccups, the information you provide on this form will help get supplies ordered and planning underway for the big day! 

Class of 2022 Information Request

Please note that there is a request at the bottom of the form for 3 photos of your child in various stages of life. These play an important role in the ceremony itself so please send them to Mrs. Rockhill (sharon.rockhill@questacademy.org) as soon as you are able.

Thank you, in advance, for your timely responses. Please contact me at [email protected] with any questions, concerns, or suggestions you may have for the big day!