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2021-2022 Attendance Policy

Quest Academy announces multiple attendance options and maximum flexibility for families in Fall, 2021.

Building on the success of our innovative and successful COVID-19 reopening plan in the 2020-21 academic year, Quest Academy announces that families will continue to have multiple attendance options in the 2021-22 academic year in accordance with CDC guidelines. Quest Academy families will have three options for attendance: In-School Attendance, Virtual Attendance and Flexible Attendance. These options will continue until the CDC states that alternatives to in-person school attendance are no longer necessary.

The Quest Academy Flexible Attendance framework represents a continuation of the bold plan that was conceived in Fall, 2020 by our administration, teachers and health experts. Through the talents of the teachers, strong leadership, and creative use of technology, the students were able to fulfill the curricular benchmarks and end the year prepared for advancement to the next grade.  More notably, there was not one documented case of in-school COVID-19 transmission, nor was any Quest Academy “academic pod” shut down at any time throughout the past academic year.

“Our team spent many hours reviewing reports from health experts and national organizations.  Our obsession with safety, without compromising our school’s high academic standards was of utmost importance for our Quest Academy families and employees.  In recognition of all of the stresses that families have faced in their personal COVID-19 journeys, we are committing to providing three attendance options and maximum flexibility to our families.” shared Jacque Negus, Head of School.

For in-school attendance, Quest Academy student and staff safety protocols feature temperature scans on arrival, wearing masks, sanitization, frequent use of outdoor space and small group cohorts or “pods” that maintain more consistent student interaction, reducing the risk of widespread transmission.  Student movement is carefully planned throughout the day in order to reduce risk.  Students in classrooms are spaced to comply with CDC and IDPH social distancing guidelines.

Virtual Attendance allows students to video conference into the classroom as a “live” student, participating as though present in person and following the schedule with their in-school classmates. Teachers pack student supplies for each week’s lessons for parent pick-up so that students replicate the classroom experience.

Flexible Attendance is a combination of both; parents can choose a schedule that is partly in-school and partly virtual.

By offering these three options, Mrs. Negus believes that families will be able to select what works best for them while addressing their individual concerns about COVID-19. “Our Quest families, both returning and new, have expressed their appreciation for our response to the varying needs of our community. We understand that unforeseen challenges will continue and we are prepared to adjust accordingly.  In a world with so much uncertainty, we seek to make a commitment upon which parents can rely for the opening of the 2021-22 academic year.”

For parents seeking more information, the school may be reached by calling 847-202-8035 or emailing admission@questacademy.org.

Mrs. Jacqueline
Mrs. Jacqueline Ault Negus
Head of School
Quest Academy
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